Verdigris Green


I’ve always loved the names of colors. I own color dictionaries from several countries. Perhaps it’s because the things represented by color names are imbued with the culture and history of each country, making me feel as if I’m traveling through those places. I’ve long enjoyed writing, and somewhere in my heart, I’ve always wanted to write essays. To commemorate the renewal of my website, I decided to borrow the space of a blog to write essays about colors, as a means of self-expression and a creative outlet. Along with introducing my favorite color names, I want to talk about the things, places, and seasons associated with those colors, while also sharing updates on my life in both languages.

(It’s been 17 years since I moved to the U.S., and as I’m writing this, I realize that the words I want to say first come to me in English. I even have to use an English-Japanese dictionary—it’s scary how habits form.)

The reason I decided to make this blog membership-based (paid) in the future is that, in today’s world where information overflows, I want to protect the value of my thoughts and sincere feelings—not just as a wife of a somewhat well-known husband, but as an individual. I hope that those who truly wish to read my work will find it worth reading.

For the first post, I’d like to write about a color that always sparks my creativity (more than just imagination) whenever I see it. One of my favorite books is "Estonian Travelogue" by Kaho Nashiki. I became captivated by her worldview after I randomly purchased this book on Amazon several years ago. Her detailed knowledge of plants and deep love for wild birds closely resonates with my growing interest in plants over the past few years (though it may be presumptuous to say so). The cover of this book features the color I want to talk about today. Whether Nashiki herself would agree or not, I believe the color is called “Verdigris” (a grayish green in French). On the cover, you see the Estonian reed fields on one side, a calm sea next, with a faint island in the distance, and beyond that, the sky. The color of the sky is magnificent. It’s like a drop of green from a forest mixed into the deep blue of the sea, then thinned endlessly with milk—such a color.

I often take this book with me to the sauna. Here in Portland, Oregon, winters are long, though not as much as in Scandinavia. During that season, there’s a lot of rain, and it gets cold, so sauna culture is well developed. I go to a Nordic-style sauna with both dry and steam saunas. The lounge area isn’t large, but it’s minimalistic in design. Between sauna sessions, I enjoy a footbath filled with a custom blend of my favorite dry herbs. Bringing this book to the sauna just feels right. As I read it, I feel as if I can hear faint sounds resonating in my heart.

When I looked for this color in the book "Nature’s Palette," I found a perfect match—not for the cover’s sky exactly, because the color was a little too dark, but for the inner cover. The page reads, “Verdigris Green – is composed of emerald green, much Berlin blue, and a little white.” The "little white" is what gives it that slightly opaque, milky thinned-out feel that I mentioned earlier. This color makes me feel centered. It’s as if it’s pointing me in the direction I need to go, like a compass. Do you have a color that does the same for you?

This summer, while traveling in Norway with my son, I encountered that very color in real life. I had always wanted to see the fjords, and this year, we finally took a two-person trip by train and boat from Oslo to Bergen. It took about five hours to reach our first stop, Myrdal, on the Bergen Railway from Oslo. At first, we saw the vibrant greens of summer, but as we ascended into the high-altitude wetlands, the lakes, the plants, and even the sky transformed into this Verdigris Green. Dotted among the landscape were dark houses that looked like sauna huts. I thought, “This is the view I’ve been wanting to see.” This melancholic color, like light passing through frosted glass, always seems to bring me back to my true inner self.

It’s a strange thing to say, but I think I’m a “northern” type of person. I’m not sure if such a type even exists, but going to a southern island and standing on the beach on a vacation doesn’t bring me much peace. On the other hand, picking berries in the summer forests of some northern country suits me far better. I haven’t been to Estonia yet, but I would love to visit someday.


第一回目は、私がいつも見る度に無性に創造力(想像力よりむしろ)をかき立てられる色について書いていこうと思う。梨木香歩さんの「エストニア紀行」という本は私の愛読書だ。数年前にふとAmazonで彼女のこの本を購入してから彼女の世界観の虜になってしまった。植物についての詳しい知識や野鳥への深い愛など、ここ数年益々植物好きになっていく私と思想や生き方のベクトルがとても似ていた(烏滸がましいが)。彼女のこの本の表紙の色が今回のテーマの色だ。彼女が同意するか否かは別として、この色は”Verdigris” (フランス語で灰色がかった緑)という名を持つと思う。表紙に向かってこちら側がエストニアの葦原で、次に静かな海、遠くにうっすらと島が見え、そこから空に繋がっている。この空の色が素晴らしい。海の群青色に森の翠色を一滴垂らして、そしてミルクでどこまでも薄めたような、そんな色。この本を、よく私はサウナに持っていく。ここ、アメリカオレゴン州ポートランドは、北欧ほどではないけれど、冬が長い。そしてその時期とても雨が多く、冷えるのでサウナ文化が発達している。私が通うのは北欧スタイルのサウナで、ドライサウナとミストサウナがあり、ラウンジエリアも広くはないけれど、ミニマリスティックなデザインだ。サウナ浴の合間には、自分の好きな香りのドライハーブを調合してもらい、それをたっぷりと浮かべたフットバスも楽しめる。そこにこの本を持っていくととてもしっくり来るのだ。読んでいると心の中に響く音が少しずつ聴こえてくるような気がする。”Nature’s Palette”という色事典で、この色を探してみると、表紙の空には少し濃すぎるが、中表紙の色にピッタリと合う色が見つかった。そのページには”Verdigris Green, ー is composed of emerald green, much Berlin blue, and a little white.”と書いてある。”a little white”というのが私が先に述べたミルクで薄めた感じ、少し”opaque” 半透明な感じを醸し出しているのだと思う。私はこの色を見ていると自分の気持ちが整うような気がする。自分がこれからどこに向かっていけばいいのか、コンパスのようなもので指し示してもらっているような気持ちになる。皆さんにとってそんな色はあるだろうか?

今年の夏、息子と2人でノルウェーを旅した際に、同じ色に実際に出会うことができた。かねてよりフィヨルドの景色を見たいと思っており、遂に今年オスロからベルゲンまで鉄道と船の二人旅を敢行したのだ。Bergen RailwayでOsloからまず最初の経由地Myrdalに到着するまで5時間ほど、初めは鮮やかな夏の緑の景色が、標高の高い湿地帯に入ると、湖もそして植物も、そして空も、このVerdigris Greenに変化してくる。そしてそこにはサウナ小屋らしき黒々とした家々が点在している。ああ、こんな景色が見たかったんだな、と思った。この物憂げな、磨りガラスを通して光を放つような、この色が、私をいつも本来の自分の心の居場所へと連れ戻してくれるような気がする。


Books in this blog (affiliated)

Nature’s Palette


Activities that I talked about (not affiliated)

Sauna in Portalnd

Noway in a nutshell


Munch’s Purple